5 Best Coffee Places Around The World

Are you a coffee lover & have a desire to visit the world’s finest coffee shops? Here are the most iconic cafes in the world according to many coffee experts.

La Fontaine, France

With jazz concerts every Saturday, La Fontaine is one of the most famous cafes in Paris & other cities of France. According to the owner they took over a local cafe in 2016 and named it something unique like La Fontaine. Even though there were some mistakes and lessons learned at the start, La Fontaine really has exceeded the expectation of people by becoming what it is now. This cafe is filled with vintage charm with brilliant coffee and wine inside.

Sant’ Eustachio IL Caffe, Italy

This cafe is a landmark in the heart of Rome, from the beginning of 1938 this cafe has been roasting the perfect espresso and now their authentic quality beans are provided throughout Europe. No matter how little time you have, you must order their special ‘grancaffe speciale’, which is a shot of sweet espresso. The cafe is also famous for blending their home-roast quality beans with the water from an ancient aqueduct. Visit their Instagram page to see what the hype is about, @santeustachioilcaffe

The Coffee Collective, Denmark

Coffee Collective has a special coffee micro-roastery with three shops. With exquisite coffees and espresso, aesthetic cafes with professional staff. Their beans come from some really famous and good coffee farms in Denmark. Everyone who visits Copenhagen,  surely won’t miss out by having a trip to this cafe and getting truly amazed by their best filter coffee.

Caffe Vita, USA

Caffe Vita in Seattle is a go-to place for visitors, customers can purchase authentic coffee beans or pick them out for their coffee. The beans here are directly imported from the farm, they specialize in small-batch coffee and they even offer a learning experience to how they brew their coffee with its public brewing school.

Double Tall, Japan

People might think Japan might not be that good for coffee as compared to green tea, well they are wrong. With top-notch service and quality, the coffee at Double Tall is served in a very fancy atmosphere and professional baristas. You can even find other food items and drinks here.