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USA opening up for vaccinated travelers

From November, the US will ease restrictions on travel for foreign passengers only if they are fully vaccinated. The US will then be reopened to the passengers from the EU, UK and some other nations.



Some of the 33 countries announced will be from most of Europe, India, China, Ireland, Iran, Brazil, and South Africa. The travel ban was imposed more than 18 months ago by Donald Trump during the start of the pandemic. These restrictions have barred thousands of foreign nationals with business links in the US and many more travelers. Friends and families separated by this restriction will now be united.



This decision was announced by the White House Coronavirus response Jeffery Zients with new policies, The foreign nationals from November will be required to provide proof of the negative Covid PCR test within three days of departure as well as the proof vaccination. However, the US citizens who will not be vaccinated would go through the test before and after their flight.



The new rule will not be applied for travelers crossing land borders with Canada and Mexico. Zients also told the reporters “ We will protect the Americans at home and enhance the safety of international travel by requiring foreign nationals to be fully vaccinated and implementing strict safety protocols.”



Even with the rise of the Delta cases this new system imposed by Zients will include contact tracing data from passengers and will enable CDC to contact the travelers that are exposed to Covid.


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