
Famous Singer Akcent Plans To Spend Holidays in Pakistan!

Romanian songwriter and singer named Adrian Sina or famous as Akcent recently announced that he will be spending holidays in Hunza after posting a video where he captioned the following: “Hello Pakistan, This time I have decided to spend some of my holidays in Hunza Pakistan to show the world that Pakistan is a safe and beautiful country.”

He was also seen in that video claiming how happy he is to see Pakistanis again. This is not the first time Akcent will be visiting Pakistan, in fact, this Romanian singer has held several concerts in the past in Pakistan. Before that, there were posts found on his social media where he said “ I have been to Pakistan many times,  and I always felt it like a home”. 



He also took to social media posting his videos from Pakistan specifically of the concerts with the cheerful crowd where he said that “ I feel safe there and the love I receive from Pakistan is beyond amazing. I will come back even more often. I love my fans! Pakistan Zindabad!” 



Pakistanis seem to love this energy and appreciation shown by Akcent and can’t wait for him to visit Pakistan and attend more of his concerts. Thousands of Pakistanis and some of the celebrities welcomed him in the comment section.