
Dubai’s First Underwater Resort: A Mind-Blowing Floating Venice In The Sea!

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to live underwater and be surrounded by stunningly colored reefs? If you did, then it’s time to celebrate because Dubai’s first underwater resort is about to astound you. And if you’ve never dreamed of it, we guarantee you will after viewing the movie and images of this fantastical dream world.


The world’s first floating underwater vessel resort, to be called The Floating Venice, will provide an unparalleled taste of Venetian luxury in Dubai. In light of this, there will undoubtedly be much more to look forward to on your vacation in the years to come than simply touring IMG Worlds of Adventure.


Here are some reasons why Dubai’s first underwater resort will certainly be unique.

Everything You'll Adore About Dubai's First Underwater Resort

  • The Floating Venice will be the ideal location for a private and opulent escape because it is situated on World’s Islands, off the coast of Dubai.
  • Travelers can take a seaplane, boat, or helicopter to get to the resort.
  • You will be transported through canals in a gondola imported directly from the Venetian waterways to get to your underwater room, which is based after and situated around Venice.
  • Through the glasses, the underwater deck will provide an incredible perspective of the ocean and the stunning reefs.
  • With countless dining options, shops, swimming areas, beaches, and underwater suites, this resort can comfortably hold 3000 visitors. Therefore, booking a would not require much concern from you.
  • In addition to this, The Floating Venice will feature the first underwater spa in the world, allowing you to view marine life from the warmth of your room.
  • Here is more for those who value the environment. Over 400,000 square feet of coral will be grown and planted by The Kleindienst Group, the architect behind the construction of this resort, to ensure a healthy marine ecosystem.
  • This utopia will also host several Venetian cultural and artistic events, such as the Carnivale di Venezia, Biennale di Venezia, and Festa del Rendentore.

The first underwater resort in Dubai is open to all of your loved ones!


Even though you may think that the opulent underwater resort is a couple’s paradise, you will undoubtedly enjoy going there with your family or friends on their bachelor’s. The underwater resort will be a magical place that you will want to explore with your spouse and with your loved ones because of the floating beaches, restaurants and bars, and many boutique shops inside.