
7 Amazing Things To Do In Lahore, Pakistan

The historical and cultural hub of Pakistan is Lahore. The city is full of stunning colonial-era buildings, excellent museums where you can learn about the history of the nation, and a tonne of things to do for travelers. Lahore must be one of the cities on your list if you intend to visit Pakistan.


You might not typically travel to Pakistan. It is one of the least visited nations on earth, and it is possible to go weeks without encountering a single international traveler. As a result, the country is becoming more and more accessible, and with its stunning mountains, genuine culture, and welcoming people, there has never been a better time to travel there.


If this is your first time visiting Lahore, you should read this guide to get ready for an unforgettable experience. You can find all the details you need to plan your trip to Lahore, including what to anticipate, fantastic things to do, and much more, below. Shall we start now?

7 Awesome Things To Do In Lahore

1. Spend the morning in the Badshahi Mosque.

Badshahi Mosque.

One of Pakistan’s most exquisite mosques is the Badshahi mosque. The architecture is similar to the Jama Masjid in New Delhi, but on a much larger size, and you can wander around it in peace rather than having to pass through throngs of people. The Badshahi Mosque is best visited at about nine in the morning when the front door is open and the lighting is at its best. Instead of being behind the shadow in the evening, the sun should be beaming toward the mosque in the morning. Additionally, there won’t be as many people in the morning, so you’ll have the mosque to yourself.


If you reach the mosque parking lot early enough, you might be able to observe a group of young men practicing crickets. It is entertaining to watch, but be aware of the ball and prepared to dodge when one is headed your way. I feel awful for the individuals who left their vehicles in this parking lot.

2. Discover Lahore Fort


There is a security queue that leads to the Lahore Fort which is located close to the entrance to the Badshahi Mosque. The Lahore Fort is a stronghold from the Mughal era that is surrounded by beautiful gardens, palaces, and museums.


The fort’s several rulers from various regions have resided there throughout many generations, as seen by the fort’s many varied architectural styles. from the Persian-style auditorium to the Hindu-style column brackets in the form of elephants. The fort is enormous, so take your time exploring the grounds and taking in all the structures enclosed by the wall.

3. Be in awe of Sheesh Mahal's craftsmanship


The Sheesh Mahal, also known as the Palace of Mirrors, is a stunning building that can be found at the fort’s northwest corner. The palace was constructed in the 16th century during the rule of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, and it has been properly maintained ever since. The beautiful white marble pavilion’s walls, which are embellished with intricate mirror work unmatched in the fort, are what make this site special. It has grown to be the most significant building in the fort and is simple to miss if you don’t know where it is.

4. Go To The Wazir Khan Mosque To Find Peace


Catch an auto to the Wazir Khan Mosque, one of my favorite spots in Lahore, after spending a few hours visiting the fort. You can explore the mosque at your own pace as it doesn’t draw as many local tourists as sites like the Badshahi mosque.


The mosque is thought to be the most elaborately adorned mosque in Lahore, as seen by the numerous complex features throughout the building, from the stunning tilework at the gate to the pattern on the ceiling. One of the towers can reportedly be climbed during the prayer period, however, it was locked while I was there.

5. Explore The Delhi Gate Market

The Delhi Gate Market

You may discover the Delhi Gate, one of the six remaining gates encircling the walled city of Lahore, just a few steps to the east of the Wazir Khan mosque, via a walkway that passes through a market. The market is the main attraction since there are so many hospitable locals there who will welcome you into their businesses. This is a terrific opportunity to learn about Pakistani hospitality.


When a stranger approaches you while you browse the market, do not be reluctant to accept their greeting. People in Pakistan are genuinely friendly and frequently merely inquisitive about you because mass tourism hasn’t yet ruined the country.


Here in Pakistan, I have enjoyed many wonderful interactions with the most unlikely people. Except when dealing with taxi drivers, Pakistani hospitality is top-notch and you will experience random acts of kindness here.

6. Discover Lahore's History at the Lahore Museum

Lahore Museum

The Mughal-Gothic architecture of the Lahore Museum was constructed during the British colonial era to represent Indian architecture from a Western perspective. The magnificent red bricks used to construct the museum are typical of Lahore buildings constructed under the British Raj.


The museum houses several artifacts and relics from the Indus Valley and exhibits archaeological items from prehistoric times. It is an excellent place to escape the afternoon heat while taking in a piece of Pakistani history.

7. Witness The Border Ceremony At The Wahga Gate

Wahga Gate

Every day, soldiers from both nations take part in a brisk dance-like march at the Pakistan-India border ceremonial at Wagah to represent the countries’ mutual rivalry, brotherhood, and cooperation. Wagah is 24 km from Lahore. Take a taxi to the border if you have an evening to spare so you can see this once-in-a-lifetime ritual before you depart the city.

When to Travel to Lahore


The ideal months to visit Lahore are September and October since the temperature drops a bit from mid-summer. You still have the option to travel up north and then hike around the province of Gilgit-Baltistan because the hiking routes in North Pakistan are still accessible.

Daily Budget

In comparison to other nations, this place is quite affordable. If you are considering visiting, anticipate spending between $25 and $45 per day, per person, which should cover lodging and three meals.


Remember that this is simply a proposed daily spending limit based on the way I like to travel, which is more on a budget. Expect to stay in dorms, dine only sometimes at restaurants, and be fine with the least expensive and most practical mode of transportation, which is frequently walking, if you want to stay within this budget.